Building Resilience. Empowering Enterprises.
Our Story
With increasing intensity and frequency of extreme weather events due to climate change, enterprises and governments are faced with a pressing challenge of accurately assessing and astutely managing their financial risks. We are a diverse team of young professionals who have come together to catalyze this climate resilience transformation to enable evidence-based decision making around adaptation planning.
Our Vision
Our vision is to build climate resilience by empowering enterprises and governments with decision support tools that combine the latest science on climate and environment with high resolution asset-specific characteristics.
We leverage the power of high resolution earth observation data, including drones and satellites, image processing techniques and integrated hydrological-hydraulic modelling to predict the intensity of risk and design solutions to manage and mitigate these risks.
Focus Areas
Surface Runoff

Factors contributing to surface runoff include impermeable surfaces, slope and topography, and lack of vegetation
Bank Erosion & Failure

Factors include high water velocity, increased runoff, and fluctuating water levels.
Natural processes like hydraulic action and abrasion contribute to gradual bank erosion.
Pluvial, Fluvial and Coastal Floods

Heavy/prolonged rainfall, inadequate drainage, & urbanization.
Heavy/Prolonged rainfall, dam water release, and topographical factors
Storm intensity, wind patterns, shoreline erosion, and topography
Dam Breach

It can happen due to structural weaknesses, high water pressure, or natural disasters. The resulting flooding poses risks to people, infrastructure, and the environment.
Canal Deterioration

Canal conditions can deteriorate due to siltation, weed growth, etc. Proper condition assessments are necessary to identify issues and prioritize repairs, ensuring optimal performance.
Our Offerings
1. Drone and Bathymetric Survey

High resolution (10-50 cm) aerial survey with DEM, ortho image outputs using PPK drones.
Dual Frequency Single beam Echo sounder based bathymetric survey for mapping the river cross section.
2. Watershed Mapping and Management

Catchment and wetland delineation ; Slope, Stream flow pattern and Drainage mapping ; Establishing check dams, weirs to control flow
3. Integrated Hydrology-Hydraulic Modelling

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling; Determination of design flood; Estimation of sediment yield; Establishing check dam, weirs, chal-khal, detention ponds, etc., to store and manage the flow.
Flood Inundation modelling and analysis; River and reservoir flow routing analysis; Scour depth estimation and analysis at the river and reservoir beds; Sediment transport and bank failure analysis and modeling; Flood forecasting model development.
4. Nature Based Solutions

Bioengineering works to stabilize river banks; Installation of vegetation on drains and at the upper catchment areas; Wetland restoration.
5. Spatial Mapping

Spatial mapping provides valuable insights for informed development and resource management. It visualizes geographic information, identifies patterns, and guides sustainable decision-making, esp. for GIS-based master plan development.